Schülerprojekt online

Vor über einen Jahr haben wir am Gymnasium Brunsbüttel mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern des 12. und 13. Jahrgangs mit der Planung einer neuen Webseite begonnen. Die Schüler haben sich dabei allen Fragen zu einer Webseite gestellt. Was gehört zu einer Webseite ? Wei soll das Design aussehen ? Welches Konzept steht hinter dem Layout […]

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User Mouse Tracking / Website Research

If you use website statistic tools – and thats something i guess everybody is interested in – you got well numbers about how many users visit your website and exactly which page of your website. You will also know from which other website the came and which key words they used within Google to get […]

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Dynamic Resize Flash Application Container / Flash Stage ( without external JavaScript )

[Update: Add complete Flash Builder project source files. ] If you have dynamic content within your Flash application or you have several states or „pages“ implemented, which all have different content, it might be helpful to resize your flash aplication container within the html- context. For this it’s not enough to resize the application from […]

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Quick start with Flash ExternalInterface class

The ExternalInterface class allows you to communicate with the Flash wrapping container, which is usually the HTML page with JavaScript capeability. It allows you to send data from ActionsScript to JavaScript and vice versa. The ExternalInterface class is implemented for nearly all current browsers. Please see the documentation for a detailed list of the supported […]

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