Google Kalender auf Android zurücksetzen

Hinweis an mich selber: Wenn der Sync zwischen dem Kalender auf dem Android-Phone (Samsung Galaxy SII) und dem Google Calendar mal aus dem Tritt geraten sein sollte, bitte folgende Schritte anwenden um den lokalen Kalender zu löschen und das neue, vollständige Synchronisieren erzwingen: Einstellungen -> Anwendungen -> Anwendungen verwalten -> Alle -> Kalenderspeicher -> Daten […]

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Submit Outlook Calendar Invitations with PHP

I need to submit an Outlook Calendar event with attached .ics-file from my PHP application. After i searched for several hours i found a very hugh number of ways which are not working at the same time for the iPhone (using .ics), Thunderbird (using Lightning plugin) and for (Exchange-) Outlook. Also this are so few […]

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User Mouse Tracking / Website Research

If you use website statistic tools – and thats something i guess everybody is interested in – you got well numbers about how many users visit your website and exactly which page of your website. You will also know from which other website the came and which key words they used within Google to get […]

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Connect OpenOffice with MAMP/XAMPP MySQL on OS X

Just to have a note for myself, here are some steps you need to know to connect your MySQL Database with OpenOffice e.g. for creating form letters. You need to create a ODBC connection. First step is to install the latest ODBC drivers. For MySQL you will get them diretly from MySQL: Just download […]

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